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دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC

11) The expression:

دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC

13) For which values of X we have:  x²>36

دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC

14) Necessary and sufficient condition for a quadrilateral to be in writable in a circumference is that

دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC

15) Lewis has two sons who are 15 and 11 years old respectively. In 18 years, Lewis’ age will be equal to the sum of his sons’ age. How old is Lewis now?

دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC

16) The cosine of the 110 ° angle is:

دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Mathematics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Physics for TOLC

21) A power difference is applied to a resistance of 150 ohms le of 15 V. The current flowing through the resistance is

دسته بندی: Physics for TOLC

22) A pipe with constant cross–sectional area S is bent into a U–shape. One side of the pipe is open whereas the other one is closed by a cap T (as in the figure). The pipe is filled with water (density ρ) that reaches heights H ed h in the two arms. The force that the water exerts on T is equal to:

دسته بندی: Physics for TOLC

23) The third law of dynamics states that:

دسته بندی: Physics for TOLC


دسته بندی: Physics for TOLC

25) Avogadro's number represents the number of molecules contained

دسته بندی: Chemistry for TOLC

26) The chemical properties of an atom are determined by its:

دسته بندی: Chemistry for TOLC

27) Identify, among the following substances, the strong acid:

دسته بندی: Chemistry for TOLC

28) Indicate for the equation of state of ideal gases the definition cor straight:

دسته بندی: Chemistry for TOLC

29) The compound KH corresponds to:

دسته بندی: Chemistry for TOLC

30) What is meant by the term orbital?

دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC

31) The current legislation provides for a reminder to be sent to those Municipalities that have a budget deficit and that have an increase in personnel costs of over 2%.

Since the Municipality of Colubrino has not received any recall, we are sure that:

دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC


دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC

33) To balance the two plates of a scale we have available to the spheres all of the same size but of different weight according to the color: white, red and green. In a first weighing it was observed that 2 white and 1 red they are in equilibrium with 2 reds and 1 green.

Now, on the left side of the scale we put 1 white, 1 red and 1 green, while on the right plate we put 2 white.

What is the only action among those proposed that will allow two dishes to be in balance?

دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC

34) In a conversation with her friends, Julia states that:
We all like coffee, except Paula, who does not like it.
Caroline points out that Julia is wrong. Therefore:

دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC


دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC

36) Scrooge forgot the combination that opens his electronic vault. He only remembers that:

- the combination is made by 4 different digits (from 0 to 9)
- it does not contain 4
- the third digit is half of the fourth
- the digits are in ascending order from the first one the
last one
What is the minimum number of attempts Uncle Scrooge has
to make to be sure to open his vault?

دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC

37) Sebastiano, a very meticulous person, keeps in the drawer of the scarves 5 scarves red, 5 white and 5 green, all the same; in the hat drawer he has 5 red caps, 5 white and 5 green, all the same. He always combines a scarf and a hat of the same color. Tonight he has to go out and has decided to opt for the white color, but suddenly there is a black out electric and Sebastiano can no longer distinguish colors.

What is the minimum number of clothes, including scarves and hats, that he has to take to make sure he can wear both white scarf and hat?

دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC

38) In a building hall there is the following warning

 It is allowed to play football in the courtyard, except on Sundays and between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.Therefore in this building:

دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC

39) In the country of Mathlandia the mathematician Tony studied i natural numbers (divided into even and odd numbers, with the same properties as ours) and then discovered among these i Tony numbers. Many Mathlandian mathematicians, studying Tony's numbers, they think they are all even, but the mathematician Soon Pyooh Foorb disagrees.

So Soon Pyooh Foorb thinks that:

دسته بندی: LOGIC for TOLC

40) The building regulations of the municipality provide that it cannot be given habitability to a property intended for residential use if it does not meet the required saving parameters water and energy.

This law is always applied and this means that:

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

41) A new discovery has prompted astronomers to rethink one of their most basic assumptions regarding the types of solar systems that can support life. Previously, astronomers believed that any solar system containing more than one sun would produce an orbit too volatile to support an Earth-like planet. However, recent images from the Kepler spacecraft have uncovered evidence of a two-star system—what astronomers call a binary system—with a stable orbit containing at least one planetary body.


As used in the passage, it can be inferred that volatile belongs to which of the following word groups?

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

42) English Ivy betrays its poor reputation as a nuisance by its unparalleled ability to provide shade. By seamlessly covering the exterior of a building, it works as a natural insulator, blocking the sun and decreasing air conditioning costs. This means big savings for both building tenants and homeowners alike. And it can happen quickly, too. Under the proper conditions, established English Ivy can grow to cover an area of roughly 500 square feet per year. Given that most homes have a roof measuring roughly 2000 square feet, ivy-friendly homeowners can rest assured that their roofs will be completely covered in about four years. When considering growth rates of newly planted ivy, just remember the old adage: First year, it sleeps. Second year, it creeps. Third year, it leaps! For English Ivy, this is especially true.

Now, detractors may take this opportunity to remind readers about how invasive English Ivy can be. For what ivy enthusiast hasn't been cautioned about its ability to burrow holes, fracture windows, and even deteriorate brick? But be warned. Oftentimes, this suggestion is taken to the comical extreme. Naysayers take a strange pleasure in spinning yarns about a particularly malevolent strand of ivy—one that slips in through the cracks on a hot summer night, silently strangling homeowners in their sleep. Admittedly, this can be a funny story to tell. But are we to believe such a tale? The intelligent gardener will quickly dismiss such rubbish for what it is.

answer the questions below:

In paragraph 1, the author states, “Given that most homes have a roof measuring roughly 2000 square feet, ivy-friendly homeowners can rest assured that their roofs will be completely covered in about four years.” Which of the following logical mistakes does the author make in drawing this conclusion?

I. English Ivy will not cover the area of most roofs in 4 years if it only grows 500 square feet per year.

II. Most homes may not have the proper conditions necessary for English Ivy to grow at the specified rate.

III. Newly planted ivy does not grow as fast as established ivy.

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

43) I mean what I say: science in education, not education in science. The difference between the two is by no means a case of tweedledum and tweedledee. Education in science means the systematic teaching of science so as to train for careers in science. Scientific men are exceedingly useful members of a community, as are engineers, bakers, blacksmiths, artists, and bankers. But we can't all be bakers, and we can't all be painters of watercolors. “It takes all sorts to make a world.” A community entirely composed of scientific men would fail to feed itself, clothe itself, house itself, and keep itself supplied with amusing light literature. Education in science produces specialists, and specialists, though useful and valuable persons in their fields, are no more the staple of a civilized community than lawyers or ballet dancers.

What the world at large really needs is due recognition of the true value of science in education. We don't all want to be made into first class anatomists or surgeons. But we do all want a competent general knowledge of anatomy at large, and especially of human anatomy; of physiology at large, and especially of human physiology. We don't all want to be analytical chemists, but we do all want to know enough about oxygen and carbon to understand the most common phenomena of combustion, chemical combination, and animal or vegetable life. We don't all want to be zoologists and botanists, but we do all want to know enough about plants and animals to walk through life intelligently, and to understand the meaning of the things that surround us. We want a general acquaintance with the results rather than with the methods of science.

The mass of scientific opinion has always gone the other way; but then scientific opinion means only the opinion of men of science. Scientists appreciate the education needed to make men specialists more than the education needed to fit them for the general exigencies and emergencies of life. We don't want authorities on the nuances of interstellar gasses, but well informed citizens. What common sense really demands, then, is education in all the sciences: a knowledge of what is known rather than knowledge of each successive step by which men came to know it.


Based on information in the passage, it can be understood that the author would likely find all of the following proverbs to be true of the pursuit of “science in education” except for which one?

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

44) English Ivy betrays its poor reputation as a nuisance by its unparalleled ability to provide shade. By seamlessly covering the exterior of a building, it works as a natural insulator, blocking the sun and decreasing air conditioning costs. This means big savings for both building tenants and homeowners alike. And it can happen quickly, too. Under the proper conditions, established English Ivy can grow to cover an area of roughly 500 square feet per year. Given that most homes have a roof measuring roughly 2000 square feet, ivy-friendly homeowners can rest assured that their roofs will be completely covered in about four years. When considering growth rates of newly planted ivy, just remember the old adage: First year, it sleeps. Second year, it creeps. Third year, it leaps! For English Ivy, this is especially true.

Now, detractors may take this opportunity to remind readers about how invasive English Ivy can be. For what ivy enthusiast hasn't been cautioned about its ability to burrow holes, fracture windows, and even deteriorate brick? But be warned. Oftentimes, this suggestion is taken to the comical extreme. Naysayers take a strange pleasure in spinning yarns about a particularly malevolent strand of ivy—one that slips in through the cracks on a hot summer night, silently strangling homeowners in their sleep. Admittedly, this can be a funny story to tell. But are we to believe such a tale? The intelligent gardener will quickly dismiss such rubbish for what it is.

answer the questions below:

The primary purpose of the passage is to:

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

45) Read the Passage:

Seagulls live on the beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you try to catch them. There are many seagulls on the beach. Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs crawl quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to catch them. There are many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see them. Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try to catch them. There are few starfish on the beach.

Answer the question:

1) Seagulls, crabs, and starfish all eat:

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

46) A material is what something is made of. There are 5 basic materials. Most things are made with these materials. Some things are made of metal. Some things are made of glass. Some things are made of wood. Some things are made of cloth. And some things are made of plastic. There are some other materials. But they are not used as much as these 5 materials.

Let’s talk about metal first. Metal is very heavy. And it is very hard and strong. It usually feels cool if you touch it. We use metal to make lots of things. We use it for forks and knives. We use it for keys. We use it for cars. We use it for these things because it is very strong.

Next, let’s talk about glass. Glass is very smooth. It feels cool to touch. It is not as heavy as metal. It is hard. But it is not strong. It breaks very easily! Then why do we use it? We use it because it is clear! You can see through glass! That’s why we use it for windows. That’s also why we use it for glasses.

Now, let’s talk about wood. Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal. But it is much stronger than glass. We use wood to make lots of things. Things made from wood are usually light and hard and strong. Chairs and tables are made from wood. Pencils are made from wood. Now let’s talk about cloth. Cloth is very light. It is much lighter than wood. And it is very soft. We use cloth to make lots of things. For example, it is used to make clothing. And it is used to make blankets.

Last, let’s talk about plastic. Plastic is also very light. But it is different from cloth. Sometimes it is soft. And sometimes it is hard. Plastic can be used to make thin plastic bags. These are light, soft, and strong. But plastic can also be used to make bicycle helmets. These are light, hard, and strong. A helmet and a bag seem different. But they are both made from plastic.


According to the passage, which of these things is a material?

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

47) A material is what something is made of. There are 5 basic materials. Most things are made with these materials. Some things are made of metal. Some things are made of glass. Some things are made of wood. Some things are made of cloth. And some things are made of plastic. There are some other materials. But they are not used as much as these 5 materials.

Let’s talk about metal first. Metal is very heavy. And it is very hard and strong. It usually feels cool if you touch it. We use metal to make lots of things. We use it for forks and knives. We use it for keys. We use it for cars. We use it for these things because it is very strong.

Next, let’s talk about glass. Glass is very smooth. It feels cool to touch. It is not as heavy as metal. It is hard. But it is not strong. It breaks very easily! Then why do we use it? We use it because it is clear! You can see through glass! That’s why we use it for windows. That’s also why we use it for glasses.

Now, let’s talk about wood. Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal. But it is much stronger than glass. We use wood to make lots of things. Things made from wood are usually light and hard and strong. Chairs and tables are made from wood. Pencils are made from wood. Now let’s talk about cloth. Cloth is very light. It is much lighter than wood. And it is very soft. We use cloth to make lots of things. For example, it is used to make clothing. And it is used to make blankets.

Last, let’s talk about plastic. Plastic is also very light. But it is different from cloth. Sometimes it is soft. And sometimes it is hard. Plastic can be used to make thin plastic bags. These are light, soft, and strong. But plastic can also be used to make bicycle helmets. These are light, hard, and strong. A helmet and a bag seem different. But they are both made from plastic.


Which material would you use if you wanted to make something that was strong and very light?

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

48) I mean what I say: science in education, not education in science. The difference between the two is by no means a case of tweedledum and tweedledee. Education in science means the systematic teaching of science so as to train for careers in science. Scientific men are exceedingly useful members of a community, as are engineers, bakers, blacksmiths, artists, and bankers. But we can't all be bakers, and we can't all be painters of watercolors. “It takes all sorts to make a world.” A community entirely composed of scientific men would fail to feed itself, clothe itself, house itself, and keep itself supplied with amusing light literature. Education in science produces specialists, and specialists, though useful and valuable persons in their fields, are no more the staple of a civilized community than lawyers or ballet dancers.

What the world at large really needs is due recognition of the true value of science in education. We don't all want to be made into first class anatomists or surgeons. But we do all want a competent general knowledge of anatomy at large, and especially of human anatomy; of physiology at large, and especially of human physiology. We don't all want to be analytical chemists, but we do all want to know enough about oxygen and carbon to understand the most common phenomena of combustion, chemical combination, and animal or vegetable life. We don't all want to be zoologists and botanists, but we do all want to know enough about plants and animals to walk through life intelligently, and to understand the meaning of the things that surround us. We want a general acquaintance with the results rather than with the methods of science.

The mass of scientific opinion has always gone the other way; but then scientific opinion means only the opinion of men of science. Scientists appreciate the education needed to make men specialists more than the education needed to fit them for the general exigencies and emergencies of life. We don't want authorities on the nuances of interstellar gasses, but well informed citizens. What common sense really demands, then, is education in all the sciences: a knowledge of what is known rather than knowledge of each successive step by which men came to know it.


The primary purpose of the passage is to

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

49) A material is what something is made of. There are 5 basic materials. Most things are made with these materials. Some things are made of metal. Some things are made of glass. Some things are made of wood. Some things are made of cloth. And some things are made of plastic. There are some other materials. But they are not used as much as these 5 materials.

Let’s talk about metal first. Metal is very heavy. And it is very hard and strong. It usually feels cool if you touch it. We use metal to make lots of things. We use it for forks and knives. We use it for keys. We use it for cars. We use it for these things because it is very strong.

Next, let’s talk about glass. Glass is very smooth. It feels cool to touch. It is not as heavy as metal. It is hard. But it is not strong. It breaks very easily! Then why do we use it? We use it because it is clear! You can see through glass! That’s why we use it for windows. That’s also why we use it for glasses.

Now, let’s talk about wood. Wood is lighter than metal and glass. It is not as strong as metal. But it is much stronger than glass. We use wood to make lots of things. Things made from wood are usually light and hard and strong. Chairs and tables are made from wood. Pencils are made from wood. Now let’s talk about cloth. Cloth is very light. It is much lighter than wood. And it is very soft. We use cloth to make lots of things. For example, it is used to make clothing. And it is used to make blankets.

Last, let’s talk about plastic. Plastic is also very light. But it is different from cloth. Sometimes it is soft. And sometimes it is hard. Plastic can be used to make thin plastic bags. These are light, soft, and strong. But plastic can also be used to make bicycle helmets. These are light, hard, and strong. A helmet and a bag seem different. But they are both made from plastic.


According to the passage, how does glass feel?

دسته بندی: Reading Comprehension

50) English Ivy betrays its poor reputation as a nuisance by its unparalleled ability to provide shade. By seamlessly covering the exterior of a building, it works as a natural insulator, blocking the sun and decreasing air conditioning costs. This means big savings for both building tenants and homeowners alike. And it can happen quickly, too. Under the proper conditions, established English Ivy can grow to cover an area of roughly 500 square feet per year. Given that most homes have a roof measuring roughly 2000 square feet, ivy-friendly homeowners can rest assured that their roofs will be completely covered in about four years. When considering growth rates of newly planted ivy, just remember the old adage: First year, it sleeps. Second year, it creeps. Third year, it leaps! For English Ivy, this is especially true.

Now, detractors may take this opportunity to remind readers about how invasive English Ivy can be. For what ivy enthusiast hasn't been cautioned about its ability to burrow holes, fracture windows, and even deteriorate brick? But be warned. Oftentimes, this suggestion is taken to the comical extreme. Naysayers take a strange pleasure in spinning yarns about a particularly malevolent strand of ivy—one that slips in through the cracks on a hot summer night, silently strangling homeowners in their sleep. Admittedly, this can be a funny story to tell. But are we to believe such a tale? The intelligent gardener will quickly dismiss such rubbish for what it is.

answer the questions below:

Based on information in paragraph 1, which of the following would most likely be considered an insulator?

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